Abandoned Terminal Redex
Several months back (July) I went to a weird site at 3670 Doniphan.
View Abandoned Terminal in a larger map
There are a few scattered buildings and a single sign that displays “Terminal” at its top.
The few buildings at the back are the only remnants of industrial activity and they don’t match the age of the other foundation bits and pieces scattered around. There are these weird blocks that seem to be marking some sort of station locations set next to train tracks that snake through the property.
The last time I was here the main “office” building had been locked up with entry accessible only through a hole in the wall. A side storage area was broken in to but not very interesting.
This time around the front door had been pried open and the second story graffiti was new, overlapping the older tagging. Once inside I noticed something kind of weird, the walls had sections broken out in seemingly random spots. I also noticed some exposed ceiling tiles and cut sections of pipe insulation on the floor and then it hit me… copper scavengers.
A couple of fake plants and a desk was all that had been left behind. The drawers had been rifled through, though I wager there wasn’t anything to begin with. After walking back out I headed over to the electric station were it was obvious that nothing is going to be going on here for a while.
At about this time a white Jeep Liberty with a flatbed trailer drove up behind the building. I continued to take pictures, waiting for some sort of acknowledgement for the driver. Eventually I got a nervous “¿Qué Pasa?” from the driver who was holding some very large bolt cutters. I approached him with a “Hey what’s up?” trying to explain that I was taking pictures because well you know… abandoned stuff is cool. Confused, he clearly had no idea what I was taking about and asked if I understood Spanish. I went with “No” to make things nice and simple and continued take pictures but not of him fearing I would spook him further. There wasn’t much was left around to look at except for this nice canister:
I headed out leaving the scavenger behind, I guess there was still some copper to be had that he wanted. Recycling is all the rage right now, so I guess he can be considered to be doing his part for the environment??? The full Flicker set can be viewed here: Abandoned Terminal Pt. 2, for comparison here’s part 1: Abandoned Terminal. My very first view of the site from next door with my Holga can be viewed here: 2008 Graffiti