Everybody has one, that special drawer that stores all the nonsense that you can’t quite place elsewhere. Chip clips, batteries, found parts of objects that you no longer have and gum…lots of gum.
Well I have the digital equivalent in photographs. Random shots that individually may not stand on their own but are just as interesting as a complete set.
- Pride of the Westside, now without trees!
The pic above is a good example of momentary importance. The current owners of the Coronado Tower have decided that that after all these years the building needed some cleaning up and in the process removed all the trees making it look rather stark.
- Liberated Liberty
I organize things all the time. In my garage, my office and even my music collection everything has its place. I really don’t like junk drawers because really it means you have failed at putting everything in its place. With all the photographs I have taken or scanned its no different. I could go the straight sort by date route but interesting little gems would get lost in the sea of dates. in reality, photos are better grouped chronologically by event anyway. There are only a few times in your life where the exact date is important.
- Everything is bigger in Texas
So that leaves me with my digital junk drawer. At least its not stacked up somewhere, blocking an exit and creating a fire hazard. Random 2011 and 2010